6 Months With Kate


A few hours ago we got home from Kate’s 6 month well-check appointment. Everything was all good! Her growth and development are both on point, and she got her next round of shots (always fun). We played upstairs for a bit, and now she’s napping. Her afternoon nap is typically her longest, so I’m hoping she gives me another few minutes of peace so I can get this post scheduled. 👩🏻‍💻


A big reason why I started this blog was to chronicle my memories with Kate, but I’ve been slacking lately. I haven’t done an “X Months with Kate” update since she turned 3 months old! Aside from being busy (which isn’t a good excuse because we’re all busy), sometimes I overthink the blog content. Not everything has to be “perfect” and not every post is going to be one a larger audience wants to read. And that’s okay! First and foremost, the blog is for me and our family. So more posts about Kate it is! 🎉


Developmentally, the only thing I’m hoping she picks up on soon is how to hold and drink from the bottle herself. It would be really nice if I didn’t have to hold it for her every single feed! 🤪 To be fair, I probably haven’t been the greatest about giving her enough opportunities to learn, so I’ll take the blame here. Everyone said “oh she’ll get it eventually”, but like actually no - turns out she’d much rather have someone do all the work. 😅 I guess I can’t blame her… I might do the same in her position! 🤷🏻 I seriously am going to start practicing more with her though. She’ll be feeding herself in no time. 👌🏻


Speaking of feeding herself, tonight we’re introducing Kate to her first solid foods. 💃🏻🕺🏻 I was going to do it at lunch today, but David wanted to be home for it (duh), so dinner it is! Once I finish this post, I’m going straight to the garage to grab the high chair and get it all set up at the table for her. I’ve mentioned this on Instagram stories, but we’re using the “Baby-Led Weaning” method (BLW) of introducing solids. It just seemed way easier and more natural to me than messing with purees and spoon feeding. Instead of detailing all the reasons why we decided to go this route, I found this quick article that sums up our perspective quite nicely.

liz and kate

Several of our friends have used BLW as well, so it helps that I’m familiar with it. Based on the time I’ve spent around their kids, they’re all really great and confident eaters. The only downside I know I’m not going to like is the mess. For the first few months, more food ends up on the ground than in their stomachs. But yesterday I bought some bibs and sippy cups to try out, so at least I’m prepared! Regardless, David and I are both so excited to watch her try all the things! 🍲


Another thing on my list after today’s appointment is baby-proofing the house. At least, the doctor recommended doing so. I’m going to do the big things like covering the pool and adding extra locks on exterior doors, but I’m going to wait before doing things like cabinets and outlets and toilets. I’m not convinced I’ll need to go to those extremes yet. Perhaps I’ll get there, but I’m going to let it ride and see how it goes.


She’s not crawling yet, but apparently it’s a pretty quick transition from sitting up to crawling for most babies. Plus, over the weekend she made a couple movements like she was trying to get up on all fours, so my guess is she’ll be crawling before we know it.


I have to admit this is the first monthly milestone that made me do a double take. 😭 But Baby Kate is now 6 months old, and she’s going to keep growing whether I like it or not! 🥳


Fortunately for mom and dad, she’s still our little snuggle bug. 🤗 She’s sitting up on her own, rolling back and forth, and scooting all around. 🕺🏻 Blowing raspberries is still super fun, but grabbing onto those toes is her newest trick. 🤹🏻 Pretty soon they’ll be in her mouth! 🦶🏻👄


Speaking of mouth, she’s sprouted two bottom teeth. 🦷 Good thing, because she’ll need them for all the food she’s about to be eating! 🍲 Speaking of food, she loves to watch us eat (but hasn’t quite decided to grab anything off our plates to try for herself yet). 🍽️


It does take her some time to warm up to strangers these days, but eventually she’ll crack a sweet smile. 😊


While I stick to her schedule pretty well, every once in a while I’ll go off script and let her sleep on my chest for her nap. I’m sneaking in all the cuddles now because I know before too long she won’t be interested! 🤗


Speaking of sleep, she’s still sleeping through the night without any problems or set backs. So far, we’ve dodged sleep regression. 🤞🏻


She’s extremely alert and her head is on a swivel taking in all her surroundings any time we’re out in public. Unless, of course, she decides it’s all too much and dozes off for a quick snooze (see below). 😴


No major travel adventures this month, just a lot of hanging out around town with family, friends, and the puppies (who she now loves to spy on from afar). 🐶 


We’re so thankful for our (usually) chill baby, and can’t wait to see what the next month brings. 👼🏻 Mom and dad love you so much, and we’re sure glad you’re ours! 🥰