Posts tagged 6 months old
6 Months With Kate

A few hours ago we got home from Kate’s 6 month well-check appointment. Everything was all good! Her growth and development are both on point, and she got her next round of shots (always fun). We played upstairs for a bit, and now she’s napping. Her afternoon nap is typically her longest, so I’m hoping she gives me another few minutes of peace so I can get this post scheduled. A big reason why I started this blog was to chronicle my memories with Kate, but I’ve been slacking lately. I haven’t done an “X Months with Kate” update since she turned 3 months old! Aside from being busy (which isn’t a good excuse because we’re all busy), sometimes I overthink the blog content. Not everything has to be “perfect” and not every post is going to be one a larger audience wants to read. And that’s okay! First and foremost, the blog is for me and our family. So more posts about Kate it is!

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