My Favorite Baby Products (0-6 Months)

baby kate on her lovevery activity play mat

A couple weeks ago, one of my Instagram followers DM’d asking whether I‘d published any baby product recommendations on my blog. I hadn’t yet because I wanted to live with things for a period of time before recommending items to y’all. Since I’m new to “mom life”, I wanted more experience under my belt. And to be honest, I felt a little self conscious sharing this kind of thing as if I’m some kind of expert. 😅

But, ya know what, damnit? I kind of am an expert now! 💁🏻‍♀️ At least on all things 6 months and under. But before we jump into it, know a couple things up front.

  1. I’m only including product categories we’ve used with Kate (who just turned 6 months old). That’s why, for example, I don’t have a high chair recommendation. She isn’t sitting in them yet.

  2. If you’re looking for breastfeeding product recommendations, sorry but I won’t be able to help you there! I didn’t even try to breastfeed, and I know almost nothing about it. Formula moms, however, I got you covered. 👊🏻 And to be honest, I really feel like formula moms are the ones usually left out of these recommendations anyway!

I’ll also provide detailed feedback on each item linked below. I’ll note why I love the product (plus note any shortcomings where appropriate) and link some related products we use that you don’t see pictured in the graphic. My hope is that first time moms will find these notes helpful when building their baby registries. I know there’s so many resources online for this topic (seriously it’s overwhelming), so part of me feels bad for adding to it. However, I have to assume if you’re here it’s because you trust my opinion!

So without further ado…

favorite baby products

  • BABY BJORN BOUNCER - First and foremost, it’s not ugly (sorry, but a lot of bouncers are eyesores imo, and I’m just someone who cares about design 🙈). More importantly though, it’s slim, lightweight, and easy to transport. Key if you don’t want to wake a sleeping baby but want to take her with you into another room. The Bjorn doesn’t take up a lot of floor space, is easy to clean, and comes in a variety of colorways. The only downside is it doesn’t bounce or rock itself. You’ve got to use your foot. However, I think this bouncer serves a different purpose than the self-rocking kind. We got this toy attachment for it, which gives Kate something to do while she’s sitting.

  • UBBI STEEL DIAPER PAIL - You don’t want to go cheap on this particular product. Trust me. This one really does trap odors. It also has clean lines and lots of colors to choose from. We’ve got two - one in Kate’s nursery and one at the downstairs changing table. Here are the corresponding trash bags (which do not bust open!).

  • INFANT OPTICS BABY MONITOR - Given that I’m not great with technology, this product category stressed me out. There’s so many to choose from! However, I knew I didn’t want a system that used my phone as the monitor, so that helped narrow things down. I know some people prefer that kind (especially if you travel or work and leave baby home with a nanny) but 1) I didn’t want to have an app open to see the picture 2) didn’t want my battery drained, and 3) often at night I like to “disconnect” and leave my phone in the next room. Ultimately, I went with the Infant Optics solely based on the positive reviews (it’s very highly rated). I’m so glad I did! The picture quality is clear, it’s easy to use, and the reception is great (something I was concerned about because we’ve got a larger home so depending on where we’re located, there’s a lot of distance between the camera and the monitor). Every once in a while it will go out of range, but not often. My ONLY complaint is the battery life. You really do have to keep it plugged in. We use this crib mount (great for newborns so you have a close view to check their breathing), but we’re about to switch to this shelf (Kate recently discovered the camera, likes to grab it, and has accidently knocked it off a couple times just this week).

  • DOONA CAR SEAT & STROLLER - This thing is the shit. We bought it after Kate was born for travel purposes. It’s GREAT in an airport because it means you don’t have to rent a car seat (speaking from experience, they’re gross) OR lug one with you to check! Also a good option if you live in a city and take cabs or Ubers often. I know some people who use the Doona as their main stroller, and that might be a good option for you depending on your lifestyle (and it does mean you’ll never have to awkwardly lug around a car seat because this baby’s got wheels!). However, personally I’m glad I have our UPPAbaby Vista system as the main stroller. I loved using the bassinet when she was younger to take walks + in these first 6 months I’ve used it as a shopping cart at the grocery store (since she can’t sit up yet) because the storage basket below is large enough to throw my groceries in there. Alternatively, you could just use a baby carrier + the Doona for these early days at the grocery store! We love the Ergo Baby Omni 360 Carrier and use it a ton when traveling. Personally, I don’t care for the fabric carriers (I find them too confusing to put on + they’re tough if you’re chesty like me).

  • MUNCHKIN DIAPER BAG DISPENSER - You need these mini trash bags in your diaper bag and in your car at all times. You never know when a blowout will happen and these bags will keep the aftermath contained.

  • BOON LAWN COUNTERTOP DRYING RACK - Here’s my system for cleaning Kate’s bottles… these dishwasher baskets (I’ve got two), the lawn drying rack (I’ve got the larger, white one), plus these twigs that stick in the grass (for the nipples, I’ve got two). I’ve got this bottle brush in case I ever need to hand wash one, but that’s rare. The baskets are much easier!

  • LOVEVERY ACTIVITY GYM - I just bought this for Kate a couple weeks ago, but I wish I’d had it all along. There’s lots of activities to keep her entertained (she loves looking in the mirror right now) AND it’s cute. I don’t even mind leaving it out, which I can’t say about any other toy of hers.

  • HALO SLEEP SACK SWADDLE - Getting the perfect swaddle is hard. Babies are escape artists. This product makes it easier. We used these at night. During the day we used a regular, stretchy swaddle blanket. Key word stretchy!!! I don’t know how anyone swaddles a baby in the plain cotton or muslin ones. Kate busted out of those in no time. She’s still using the HALO sleep sacks at night, but once she grows out of the size medium she’s in now, we’ll transition her out of the wearable blankets altogether. She’s already got blankets in her bed and is doing great with them. We only still use the wearable blanket now so she doesn’t accidently scoot out from under her covers and wake up because she’s cold.

  • MARPAC SOUND MACHINE - I know people love to rave about the Hatch Sound Machine, but I don’t love it for this age. The buttons are on the bottom and they don’t light up, so it’s difficult to navigate in the middle of the night when it’s dark and you’re tired. Also my husband and I are constantly accidently changing the sounds because the touch ring at the top is super sensitive. I much prefer the Marpac.

  • MUNCHKIN DISPOSABLE CHANGING PAD - My husband and I love these things. Public changing tables are disgusting. Instead of fully wiping them off before laying Kate down (not always feasible with a crying baby), we just throw these down. Added bonus that you just wad up your whole mess in them and throw it all away. I know there are fancier mobile changing stations, which we have and use. But these are great when you’ve got a huge mess or are forced to use a gross public station.

  • HIPP FORMULA - This is the formula Kate drinks. We buy it online in bulk (it’s not sold in stores). According to my extensive research (and our pediatrician!), it’s the best. I highly recommend going the European formula route if you know you aren’t going to breast feed (or can’t). But also, don’t sweat it if it’s not something you can afford. Your baby will be JUST fine… promise! I won’t say more about it here because this is a big topic, but if you’re curious to read why we use European baby formula, here’s a helpful resource.

  • BUMBO FLOOR SEAT - Helps baby sit up before they can sit up on their own!

  • BABY BREZZA - I don’t understand why, but the reviews on this product aren’t amazing. They aren’t terrible, but they also aren’t 5 stars. I have to imagine it’s because people aren’t following the directions correctly or something because I think this thing is awesome. So much easier than scooping formula, and it will heat up the water for you (Kate doesn’t care if her formula is warm or cold, but I’ve heard some babies do). The only annoying part about it is you have to remove the nozzle to clean it and it’s difficult to remove (it almost feels like you’re going to break it, but you aren’t). My guess is this is something they’ll fix in future models. Also if you’re a formula mom, you need this dispenser for the diaper bag!

  • BOPPY PILLOW - Your baby will live on this thing for a large majority of the day the first 2-3 months. I’ve linked the non-nursing version, FYI.

  • SKIP HOP ACTIVITY CENTER - We put Kate in this toy starting at around 4 months old, and she loves it. Just yesterday she was laughing her head off in it. The other toy she loves is the Fisher Price Kick and Play.

  • ADEN + ANAIS BURPY BIBS - These are the most absorbent, and I love how they’re shaped. I’ve actually gotten rid of most of our other burp cloths and bibs (except for the homemade ones people give you - those are good too!). They’re super easy to throw over your shoulder or snap around your baby’s neck depending on your need in the moment. Side note: they’ve also served as Kate’s go to teething device. She loves chewing on these bibs.

  • HUDSON BABYLETTO CRIB - I know choosing a crib is a matter of personal style, but if you can’t decide then go with this one. I love the clean lines, and it goes with anything. We have it in white. And related to the crib… we went with this breathable mattress. It’s WAY pricier than other options, so don’t get me wrong - you definitely don’t need it. But Kate ended up being a stomach sleeper, so this mattress gave me some peace of mind.

  • VAVA NIGHT LIGHT - I love this thing! You just double tap the top and it turns on/off. It’s lightweight and small, so it’s easy to carry from the crib to the changing table for late night diaper changes. It avoids you having to turn on a harsh lamp that might wake up the baby (or you! staying in a zombie state is key for being able to fall back asleep easier).

  • NOODLE & BOO SHAMPOO - We got this as a gift and loved it so much now it’s all we use. It smells amazing. Kate’s never had cradle cap, nor did these products irritate her skin. Here’s the ingredients list if you care about that! We use the shampoo, body wash, and lotion.

  • ANGELCARE BABY BATH SUPPORT - Lightweight, doesn’t mold, affordable. It also has a perforated back, so the drainage is nice in the tub. I’d also get one of these bath sets for your knees.

Okay. We’re almost to the end. Promise.

I did want to mention that the only big product category I think is missing here that most people buy are the bouncers/rockers that sway automatically. We didn’t buy one only because the sleep training method we used (you can read my blog post about how we sleep trained Kate here) specifically advised against using them. However, I will admit having one would have made dinner time MUCH easier!

Finally, one other resource a neighbor told me about - which I relied on heavily while building Kate’s registry - is Lucie’s List. Check it out if you’re torn between two similar products or if you want to do deeper research on your own.

This ended up being QUITE comprehensive. 🤓 If you have any questions or want recommendations for items you don’t see here, just ask in the comments!


I’ve linked a BUNCH of other products we use and love with Kate below in the shopping widget. Bottles, our jogging stroller, her favorite toys and books, our go-to diaper bag (we prefer a backpack!), and more. Everything you see below, we own and use ourselves.

Here’s a few more products I couldn’t fit into the widget:

👉🏻 I think these are the best baby socks. They stay on SO well!

👉🏻 I use this “My Child’s Health Record” book to record all of Kate’s illnesses, doctor visit notes, height/weight/etc. Someone gave me the advice that at some point you’ll need to be able to reference when your kid gets chicken pox and that inevitably you’ll forget.

👉🏻 For the first couple months, we used sleep gowns vs. zip up PJs. I think they’re easier for middle of the night diaper changes. We used the Posh Peanut brand, but there are others out there!

As an Amazon Associate, please know that I earn from qualifying purchases. All opinions are my own, and I hold them with conviction. I share what I love hoping you’ll love it too. 😊