A Pink Fall Front Porch

In honor of last year’s fall front porch going viral, I’m sharing a few more snaps of the pink-themed mum display on the blog today. 🌸 Capitalizing on the frenzy, if you will. 👸🏻 If you’re new here, the reason for the pink theme was our baby announcement. 👼🏻

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Since we moved into this home a few years ago, I’ve been setting up fairly elaborate and festive front porch displays. For example… see Easter, this traditional Fall-themed set up, and Christmas. For our baby announcement, I wanted to do something pretty, feminine, and me (and also not cheesy). After some brainstorming, I settled on an all pink mum display.

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All of the mums were sourced from my local Home Depot and Lowe’s. The pumpkins are from HEB. Yes, it’s a lot of mums! I know! What can I say… I’m a bit extra. If it makes you feel better, I kept these things alive for 2 full months. 😘

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It took a few trips to fill up the space enough to work for the photoshoot (I wanted us to be surrounded). A couple people have asked how I set my displays up (which kind of surprised me), but I promise it’s not hard! The key is willingness to make a couple trips because you won’t get everything filled in perfectly the first go for something this elaborate. I just make a store run, set it up and snap a picture, then head back to the store and reference that picture to visually fill in the gaps and buy accordingly.

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If you want your mums to last longer, buy the ones with less blooms already budded. It won’t be as full and colorful at first, but again they’ll last longer. Which means more bang for your buck. 💰

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I love how it turned out! 🥰 I decided not to go through the trouble of buying my own pots to plant these flowers in. For one thing, that’s a lot of pots. For another, I didn’t really want to go through the trouble. Once I covered up the basic black pots they came in with pumpkins, everything sort of just blended in and work perfectly. Not to mention I found some mums with pink pots for sale, which worked perfectly for my theme! 💗

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Above and below are a couple photos from the baby announcement shoot, for reference. Exactly how I imagined it!

pink mum baby announcement 1

I hope this gives you some fall front porch inspo! 🤗