2 Months With Kate
A little late on this Kate update. 🤪 As I type, it’s actually been 9 weeks with the Nugget. And she’s now been hanging out here with us on earth long enough that I can confirm what they say about babies is true… they really do change every day! It’s something every parent tells you beforehand, but I never truly believed it. Seemed a little hyperbolic to me! But nope. It’s true. Every day she changes. It’s so fun to watch.
Her first real smile was on May 23 and I got it on camera!!!
This month marked a lot of firsts, including my first night away from her. I drove to Houston to celebrate my friend Emily’s engagement, and I’m so glad I did! We had such a blast. I wouldn’t say I felt guilty leaving her (still haven’t struggled with any kind of mom guilt), but I did miss her like crazy. I couldn’t wait to get home!
Dad watches Kate while mom is away on her first overnight trip.
It also marked her first road trip! The three of us drove up to Dallas to visit friends and family. Most of David’s family lives there, so everyone who could make it got to meet her. She did so good on the road and in the hotel! She slept in the car practically the whole way both there and back. Babies tend to like the car, and she’s no different. 🚗 As far as the hotel, I’ll admit I was a bit nervous about her sleeping with us. For one thing, it was only the 2nd time we’d have her overnight without the night nurse (lol, yes I know), which meant I’d have to get my tush out of bed if she had a bad night. But more importantly, it would be the first time she wouldn’t be sleeping in her nursery environment… different crib, mattress, smell, sounds, etc. But again, she did great! She didn’t wake up any more often than is usual for her. No big deal. 🏨 I still prefer the night nurse handling the evening shift though. 😅 Also, right as we were walking out of the room to head home, she did tick off whoever was staying in the room next to us with her crying. About 60 seconds into a crying spell, we got a very aggressive knock on the connecting door. OH WELL! Another first! And I’m SURE it won’t be the last…
Fast asleep on her first road trip!
Kate’s first stay in a hotel.
She still looks (mostly) like her dad though some days she favors my side of the family more than others. Like literally one day she will look like me and then the next day it’s back to looking just like her daddy. 🤷🏻 When people ask who I think she look likes, I say 75% David and 25% my dad (pictured below). Also on the looks front, it does appear that her hair is growing. Perhaps she won’t be bald forever like her mother was as a baby! 👏🏻
My dad. Ladysitting Miss Kate.
First time visiting the ranch.
Another development this month is that she’s really gotten pretty good at self soothing. I try to be VERY diligent during the day (and her night nurse in the evening) about not always picking her up right away when she starts fussing unless she really gets revved up. Obviously most of the baby books preach this. Pick them up when they’re happy! I can confirm that it works! Even when she wakes herself up at night we just give her a few minutes and she almost always falls back asleep on her own. Sometimes she sucks on her hand.
Taken early in her second month before it got too hot outside to go on walks.
Sleeping on dad.
Sweet dreams.
Kate’s first time in the pool.
Over the last 30 days she’s been smiling and cooing and has even given us a few little giggles. 😊 She’s much more alert and tracks people with her (still) blue eyes. 💙 At the beginning of the month, she hated 7-9pm and cried her little head off almost every night during those hours. 🤪 Thank GOD she’s outgrown that particular stage. 😅 She’s a great sleeper and has been doing 8 hour stretches for the past week almost every night. 😴 Perhaps she’ll be musical because she loves listening to Frank and Elvis on her play mat. 🙌🏻 She’s super strong, and I swear she’s gonna roll over any day now so I no longer leave her unattended on the sofa. 😬🤷🏻♀️ She’s a great burper, recently discovered her hands, and has just started blowing spit bubbles. 🧼
Kate gets her 2 month shots. Grandma Tillie came with us. Picture pulled from my InstaStories hence the weird filter effect.
And of course she met all sorts of new people! Including my paternal grandmother (Mamaw) and pretty much everyone on my dad’s side of the family (my Aunt Pam and Uncle Dave, Great Aunts/Uncles Gary, Shirley, Jay, and Kathleen, my 2nd cousin Shawn and his wife Brandie + their son Mason). On David’s side she also met David’s Aunt Cindy and Uncle TK, Sissy and Rex, and his cousin Johnny (side note: no pictures of them because David’s side isn’t big on social media). She also got to meet my friend Hillary and her new baby Margot PLUS my forever friends Amanda, Victoria, Emily, and Terah. Also my brother… her Uncle Brad!
Kate meeting her great-grandmother, Mamaw.
Kate meets Emily.
Kate meets Terah.
Kate meets Maurilio (my friend Emily’s new fiancé!).
Kate meets Victoria.
Kate meets Hillary and baby Margot.
Kate meets Amanda.
We also got her passport in the mail this month and already booked her first trip! We’re taking her international to Mexico! 💃🏽 We leave for Cabo in a few days. I’ve done all the research on flying with a baby, so I feel pretty prepared. 🤓 Send us prayers!
Can’t wait to see what the next month brings!