Posts tagged Style
The Liz List - May 17, 2019

Before Baby Kate arrived, I’d only been blogging for a few weeks, so I really hadn’t found my groove yet. Post-baby, I’m thinking the Monday/Wednesday/Friday posting cadence works well for now. As such, I’ve decided to switch “The Liz List” from a regular Thursday series to a Friday series since it’s an easy way to round out my week. I look forward to the day when I can post daily, but that’s just not in the cards in this phase of life since I’m 100% certain it would lead to burn out.

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Baby Girl's Nursery Reveal

I am SO excited to finally share with y’all a full reveal of Baby Girl White’s nursery! Everything you see in the room was installed at the end of February, so the space itself has been complete for about 5 weeks now. I’ve been DYING to share it since then, but I decided to hold off on showing too much of the room on my Instagram so I could save it for a big blog reveal. Very blogger-y of me, I know.

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