Boozy Lemonade Tea

We’re in the midst of a strange season in Texas. Football season has begun, pumpkin spiced everything has hit the shelves, Halloween is around the corner, and all of us so desperately want it to be fall that in an effort to mentally ditch summer we - perhaps prematurely - decorate our front porches with mums and hay as if we can somehow persuade Mother Nature to bring us the first cold front early this year. All this despite the fact that it’s still teetering around 100 degrees outside. We’re in between. And unfortunately, this time of year - this in between - lasts long enough that, honestly, it should be considered its own season.

Fummer? Sall? Clearly my portmanteaus need refining, but it’s fine because this isn’t my point. My point here is that this Boozy Lemonade Tea is THE beverage you need to make it through this painfully long seasonal hump.


It’s refreshing, it’s iced, but it’s got bourbon. When I think of bourbon, I think of coziness and fires and winter weather (hot toddy, anyone?). Obviously I know whiskey’s good any time of year (mint julep, anyone?), which is why - in my humble opinion - this particular cocktail really bridges the summer/fall gap.


Don’t get me wrong though. This cocktail is great any time of year. My dad’s side of the family has a batch made at pretty much every get together, all year long. Always with a little extra whiskey. 😜


One thing that’s great about this recipe is it serves a crowd. Aka once you’re done, you’re off the hook. No heading back to the kitchen to make your guests another round. They can help themselves!


If you’ve got a bigger crowd, then just double or triple the recipe.


I like to add fresh mint for extra flavor. Plus it’s pretty.



Yields 8 Cups


  • 3 cups water

  • 2 family-sized tea bags

  • 1, 1 oz package fresh mint leaves

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 4 cups cold water

  • 1, 6oz can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed

  • 1 cup bourbon (or more, if you please!)

  • Fresh lemon slices & more mint, for garnish


  1. Bring 3 cups water to boil, remove from heat, add tea bags, and stir in fresh mint. Cover and steep 10 minutes.

  2. Remove and discard tea bags and mint.

  3. Stir in sugar until dissolved.

  4. Pour into a large serving container and stir in 4 cups cold water and lemonade concentrate.

  5. Stir in 1 cup bourbon.

  6. Serve over ice. Garnish, if desired.

I hope you enjoy it! Cheers!

And don’t forget…. if you make it, tag me on Instagram so I can share (nothing bring me more joy)! 😘

Shout out to my stepmom, Karen, for sharing this recipe!