Posts in Travel
Healdsburg Trip Recap + Our Itinerary

I’m a bit delayed on getting this post up… sorry! I wanted to be sure and share it here on the blog though because a couple of people on Instagram expressed interested in our itinerary. We actually visited Healdsburg, California - a small city in Sonoma County - with a couple of our friends right before last Christmas. I’ve linked to our awesome rental house + share our full itinerary at the bottom of the post.

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A Girl's Trip to Savannah

About a month ago, my cousins, aunt, sister-in-law and I went on a girls trip to Savannah, Georgia. It was SO beautiful, the food was incredible, and we had such a great time. Before too much time passes (sorry… I’m SO guilty of saying on InstaStories that I’m going to share something on the blog but then I never do! I commit to being a better blogger in 2020!) , I wanted to share with y’all a link to our super cute Airbnb + mention where we ate and share our itinerary.

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How I've (Mostly) Overcome My Fear of Flying

Over the past couple years, I’ve actively worked to improve my flight anxiety and, while I’m certainly not 100% “cured” (for lack of a better word), I am vastly improved. So without further ado, here are the things I do before & during flights that work for me + some other tips & tricks I've learned on this self-improvement journey. 

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