Mariachis, Mi Tierra, and Market Square


My niece and nephews have been in town this week, so the husband and I have been trying to help my mother-in-law carry some of the kidsitting burden while they're here.  So, on Saturday we took a nice little day trip south of Austin to San Antonio. The kids had never been, and San Antonio is a good city for them to experience some different culture. It's only about an hour and a half drive, but the two cities couldn't be more different. First stop, mi restaurante favorito - Mi Tierra Restaurant & Bakery...

Mi Tierra Restaurant & Bakery in San Antonio, Texas

When a restaurant is as pretty as Mi Tierra, you have to eat there. Sure, you San Antonio natives probably think it a bit touristy, but there's a reason why us out of towners love to go. Every day is a party - I mean look at all those piñatas! My youngest nephew, of course, immediately asked the waitress if they contained candy. His world was crushed when she told him they didn't.

Mi Tierra Restaurant and Bakery in San Antonio, TexasMexican beer and margarita at Mi Tierra in San Antonio

Lunch was our first stop after making the drive. An hour and a half drive isn't very far (by Texas standards, anyway), but with 3 kids boy it gets loud! Felt pretty far to me. However, it was nothing an ice cold Mexican beer couldn't fix! The mother-in-law went a bit stronger and ordered a frozen margarita.

Having a beer at Mi Tierra

Halfway done and clearly I'm feeling better already. Ahhh....

mariachi band playing at Mi Terria Restaurant in San Antonio, Texas

And the mariachi band's midway-through-my-beer timing couldn't have been better. Yes sirs - please serenade away!

tortilla soup from Mi Tierra

Chicken tortilla soup for me. ¡Excellente!

of course she had to have one

I forget what these paper flower crowns were called, but obviously I had to buy my niece one. She chose the white and blue because she's going to be the Princess Anna from Frozen for Halloween. She loved it!

Market Square in San Antonio, Texas

After lunch, we walked out the back door and straight into Market Square - a place where artists sell their works from stalls and carts, and local retailers sell quality Mexican artifacts, clothing, and art. There's also street food, live singing and dancing, and different activities for kids.

guitars at Market Square in San Antoniopretty pink sombrero at Market Square in San Antonio, Texas

Had to get a shot of this sombrero! Who knew sombreros could be so fab?!

Trying on a pink sombrero at Market Square in San Antonio

You think I'm going to see a pink, sparkly sombrero and not try it on? Seriously came close to buying it, but I reigned in the devil on my shoulder and refrained. Still kinda sad about it though, if I'm being honest.

Market Square in San Antonio, Texaseveryone gets something at the Market Square in San Antonio, Texas

Everyone gets something at the square.

street food at Market Square in San Antonio

Street food.

singer at Market Square

Street singing. This girl was really good - reminded me of Selena.

paintings at Market Square in San Antonio, Texaskids rode the mechanical bull at Market Square

The kids loved this part of our square visit - a mechanical bull just for them. I swear they would still be there riding it if we hadn't cut them off.

snow cone break

By the time the mechanical bull riding was done, it was time for a snow cone break. After all, we still had The Alamo to visit.

The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas

And there she is in all her glory. For those of you unfamiliar with Texas history, The Alamo is the famous site of a battle that took place during the Texas Revolution. You can read more about it here.

The Alamo #texas

It really is a beautiful, mission style building.

David and Liz at The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas

Here's one of me and the husband above, and one last shot of the famous historical site below.

The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas

I kept my outfit super casual for this day trip. For one thing, it's still warm in Texas despite the fact that it's October, not to mention that we woke up early to get the day started and I didn't want to spend forever getting ready. So, I just threw on some distressed denim, a simple tank, my Baublebar pearl 360 earrings (in the black/champagne color), my new black Ray-Bans (obsessed), and sneakers and called it a day.

This particular look has been my go-to lately and is perfect for running errands or relaxing around the house. Because who needs to be dressed to the nines every day, am I right?! Just find a signature, basic look that works for you, and don't be afraid to fall back on it when necessary.

Happy Hump Day!
