August Instagram Roundup

austin skyline
casual saturday look
casual saturday look
trip guide texas hill country
trip guide texas hill country
red purse flat lay
red purse flat lay
olive green peasant dress
olive green peasant dress
lone oak ranch
lone oak ranch
headed to houston with gifts
headed to houston with gifts
out on 6th street look
out on 6th street look
whole foods flower selection
whole foods flower selection

It's hard for me to believe, but I have officially hit my one month mark as a blogger. Yay! It's been way more time consuming than I originally imagined, but I can happily say that I truly have enjoyed every minute of it. I am definitely learning a lot throughout this process, so for those of you out there who are reading my blog (hi mom!), thanks for bearing with me. August was fun for me. It was full of trips with family and friends, lots of lounging by the pool, and a couple nights out on the town. For those of you who don't yet follow me on Instagram (I'm slightly obsessed with it....), I've chosen a few of my favorite shots to share with you that I think pretty much sum up my first month of blogging. I try my best to capture my life accurately through Instagram - there's some outfit inspiration, peeks at my little vacation getaways, a good overview of Austin and what it has to offer, as well as a few shots capturing my love for champagne (or, as I lovingly refer to it, champs #poplizclink).

As far as the future of the blog, I'm really pretty open to it. I'm kind of just seeing where life and the Lord take me and what people respond to best. There will always be a focus on fashion, but I also plan to share some of my favorite champagne recipes with y'all as well (which I am very excited about). I'm also going to post a little more about what all Austin as a city has to offer. Good things to come!

We just love living here, and I'd love to have you tag along not only via my blog, but also on InstagramTwitter, and Pinterest if you're so inclined.

I'm excited for what's to come!